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Introduction to Osho Meditations

OSHO Bodhisattva Meditation Garden Near Greynolds Park, North Miami Beach, FL, United States

Date:  February 16th, 2020  Time: 9am - 11am Price: These classes are donation based. Your donations help us keep the garden beautiful. What to bring:  Please bring your water bottle and yoga mat. Wear loose comfortable clothes, long sleeves and pants that allow you to sit comfortably on the floor; if possible avoid wearing black. 

Virtual gardening event


All our group meditation events have been postponed due to Covid. Please follow our virtual garden progress and watch our Florida friendly gardening educational videos on YouTube: We will restart conducting in-person gardening tours starting mid September (masks required), updates to follow.

Introduction to Meditation

OSHO Bodhisattva Meditation Garden Near Greynolds Park, North Miami Beach, FL, United States

  CANCELLED DUE TO HEAVY RAIN PREDICTION We are opening our garden for the Winter season of meditation events and gardening tours Date:  November 7th, 2020  Time: 9am - 10am This is an outdoor event, in case of rain it will be cancelled without notice. Do not come if it's raining. What to bring:  Your

Introduction to Meditation

OSHO Bodhisattva Meditation Garden Near Greynolds Park, North Miami Beach, FL, United States

We are opening our garden for the Winter season of meditation events and gardening tours Date:  November 21st, 2020  Time: 9am - 10am This is an outdoor event, in case of rain it will be cancelled without notice. Do not come if it's raining. What to bring:  Your own yoga mat or a beach blanket

Introduction to Meditation

We are opening our garden for the Winter season of meditation events and gardening tours Date:  December 5th, 2020  Time: 9am - 10am This is an outdoor event, in case of rain it will be cancelled without notice. Do not come if it's raining. What to bring:  Your own yoga mat or a beach blanket

OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation

OSHO Bodhisattva Meditation Garden Near Greynolds Park, North Miami Beach, FL, United States

Date:  January 9th, 2020  Time: 11am - 12pm This is an outdoor event, in case of rain it will be cancelled without notice. Do not come if it's raining. What to bring:  Your own yoga mat or a beach blanket is a must (for you to sit on). Wear loose comfortable clothes, long sleeves and

by donation

OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation

OSHO Bodhisattva Meditation Garden Near Greynolds Park, North Miami Beach, FL, United States

Date:  January 16th, 2020  Time: 11am - 12pm This is an outdoor event, in case of rain it will be cancelled without notice. Do not come if it's raining. What to bring:  Your own yoga mat or a beach blanket is a must (for you to sit on). Wear loose comfortable clothes, long sleeves and

by donation